MongoDB World 2018 – New York City

Database company MongoDB will be hosting their 5th annual MongoDB World Event in NYC this coming July 26 and 27. I also received the MongoDB Diversity Scholarship! Can’t wait to go. Who else is coming?

With special gratitude to American Needs You and MongoDB, I will be attending MongoDB World 2018 in NYC this July 26 and 27 through the MongoDB Diversity Scholarship. This award allows me entry to the two-day event, access to one of the workshops in Day 1, attendance to their Keynote event and guest talks and tutorials related to their database software and tools. I’ll learn more about MongoDB while networking with staff and industry experts.

I first heard of MongoDB in the fall of 2017 through a Career Day event hosted for America Needs You Fellows. I had the opportunity to tour their headquarter office  in midtown Manhattan, learn about their Internship program, sit down and network with a Career Panel for a Welcome and Company Overview.

Follow me on LinkedIn and Twitter for updates on my visit to MongoDB World 2018.

You can come too. Use code “SpeakerFriend” for 15% off!

#MongoDBWorld2018 #MDBW18